Chelsea PTO Parts Manual

Below you will find a complete list of free Chelsea PTO parts manuals in PDF format.
If you need any assistance identifying your unit for your truck. We are eager to help you! You can contact us by calling 877-776-4600 or 407-872-1901. You can view the PTO parts manual PDFs below, to assist in identifying the parts on your Power Take Off.
Click on a link below to access your PTO Parts Manual downloads. Then give us a call toll free, to order the parts you need. We have 12 shipping locations to serve you. Same day shipping on most parts. We offer worldwide shipping!
The parts manuals include: exploded view, a bill of materials, model number designations, the input gear chart, list of direct mount pump conversion kits, the pump conversion kit bill of materials, housing dimensions, lever and air shift control, dimensional drawings, lube parts and more. The manuals provide a complete guide to your PTO parts.
We stock all the parts for your Parker Chelsea PTO, including: PTO housing, mounts, driveshafts, gears, bearings, gaskets, cable shift cover assembly, post and plate assembly, brackets, stud kits, seal kits, lever control assembly, air shift cover assembly, direct mount pump conversion kits, stud kits including English and metric references, CAT D&H parts and much more.
If you have any questions, we have a very knowledgeable team of experts standing by to help you. You can view the parts manual PDFs below to find a complete list of part. All you need is your PTO series number to get started.
Get your current PTO product catalog from the literature parts list below: